Thursday, May 30, 2013

Last evaluation

This is the final evaluation and  i still feel as if Holden is a troubled teen but also boarder lined disturbed teen.  His tramatic past realy shapes who he is. He is on that line because even though at the end of the story he is happy, throughout the whole story he is a very abnormal person.He faces massive obsticles in his life and he cant get over them alone. I asked him what is insight his life was or his purpose in ife and he just sat there thinking for awhile and never gave me a straight answer.  I also asked who had the biggest infuence on his life and  he told me that His brother Allie because he was always there for him and even though Allie was smaller that he wanted to be just like him.Holden  always judges people and tells them how hey should live but he doesnt even have his life straight! The way he talks about how people are phony and what not, I dont think that he ever looked in the mirror to see that maybe he has been the phony one this whole time.

Holden is ready

Here is where decide weather Holden is ready to leave or not.The source of Holdens outbreaks seem to be when someone would say or do that make Holden mad. Some triggers might have been the time when he got beat down by tht pimp, when Stradlater went on the date with Jane, and when Pheobe told Holden she wants to leave with him.These triggers indicate that that when you mess with something close or personal it all starts.  When Holden came to this evaluation it was diffrent, He was somewhat happy. He told me he finally know whats he going to do in life and everythings going to be alright. He is ready to go back to society.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Emotional State

Talking to Holden you can see the various emotions in his attitude,personality and the way he talks.I think the root of his emotional problems lie in his childhood. Some events that might have shaped who he is today are his brothers death, his parents relationship with him, him and Jane, and just the way he thinks. Holden getting drunk doesnt help this situation either. He never seems happy or glad. He is always depressed, stressed or tierd. Holden is a hard to teen to crack because of all the emotions he expressed and the way he does it.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

The negitive effects of bad relations

Holden went on to explain to me about the relationships that didnt go so well. Holden says he does not like to be around "phony" people. He had a relationship with this guy named Stradlater. He really hated this guy! He said Stradlater s a "secret slob." I have a feeling Stradlater has way more control then Holden does like when he makes Holden do his homework. When knowing this i think this brings less self esteem and a little fear because Stradlater was always in control.

He brought up his past

I talked to Holden about some past experiences. When asked this he got somewhat emotional. He told me till this day he feels guilty for the actions he has committed. The story had to do with Holden not letting his brother Allie not come along with him but Holden told him he was to childish. "Anyway, Allie heard us talking about it, and he wanted to go, and I wouldnt let him. I told him he was a child." Holden feels very depressed every once and a while. I think this event has caused another major effect to Holdens emotional issues.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Holdens motivation

In todays evaluation I see some self-esteem, belonging and control issues with Holden. I believe his meaningful existence in his mind is there and he does feel like he is living for a reason, even though there are some times when he doesn't. His self-esteem issues might be due to the lack of respect that people give him and how they always tell him what to do and wear. His belonging lacks because i think when his brother was  alive she thought he was so perfect and intelligent, which made holden feel like he wasnt even there."His teachers were always writing letters to my mother, telling her what a pleasure it was having him." Holden cant really control situations very well. He can but when he cant is when things get out of hand.
Duck not belonging^^^

Monday, May 13, 2013

Holden relations with people:Positive vibes

I went on to ask Holden about his relationships with other people.He expressed how he has people in his life who have had positive effects on him and a few with negative. I told him to tell me about a Positve one and immediately starte talking about his brother. Holden stated how he looked up to his broter Allie because he was more intelligent then he was and  he was the nicest in the family."He was two years younger then i was, but he was about fifty times as intelligent." He brought in this item that he holds close to him. It's a baseball glove, left handed to be exact and it has poems writen all over the fingers in this green pen.